The following pages provide detailed information on our company, our services and our partners. Pumacy Technologies AG is a leading provider of knowledge, innovation and process management solutions. Founded in 2000 Pumacy is a spin-off from the Produktionstechnisches Zentrum (PTZ) which includes the Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management IWF of the Technical University Berlin and the Fraunhofer-Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology IPK. Pumacy Technologies AG has customers who are known as leading manufacturers from the aerospace, automotive and pharmaceutical industry as well as the plant and machinery industries. To find out more about our management board click here. In the years 2006, 2007 and 2008 Pumacy was nominated as one of Deloitte Technology Fast 50, a rank among the 50 fastest growing companies of the technology sector in Germany. Additionally, in 2006 Pumacy was nominated as one of Deloitte Technology Fast 500 EMEA, a ranking of the 500 fastest growing companies of the technology sector in Europe, Middle East and Africa.
With its knowledge management software KMmaster® Pumacy won third place of the Dassault Systèmes and Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) Innovation Award ‘Sachen machen!’ in 2006. Pumacy was awarded with the quality label “Fair Company” of the of the Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt in 2007.
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